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Aux Etats-Unis d'Afrique

Waberi, Abdourahman A. (1965-....)
Aux Etats-Unis d'Afrique

La Fédération des Etats-Unis d'Afrique prospère avec ses centres d'affaires et ses mégapoles, indifférente au sort des millions de réfugiés de la sanglante Euramérique qui se pressent à ses frontières. Maya, née dans un bidonville dans la banlieue de Rouen et adoptée par une riche famille kenyane, part en quête de ses origines.

CHF 16.50

Dis-moi pour qui j'existe

Waberi, Abdourahman A.
Dis-moi pour qui j'existe

Professeur, Aden mène une vie épanouie. Mais la maladie soudaine de sa fille réveille des blessures anciennes qu'il pensait enfouies. Son enfance à Djibouti, bercée par son amour des livres et la douceur de sa grand-mère, ressurgit. Chaque jour, Aden échange avec sa fille et consigne leurs conversations. Il lui relate les paysages de sa jeunesse tandis qu'elle lui raconte son quotidien.

CHF 35.00

Pourquoi tu danses quand tu marches ?

Waberi, Abdourahman A.
Pourquoi tu danses quand tu marches ?

Sur le chemin de l'école maternelle, à Paris, une petite fille demande innocemment à son père pourquoi il donne l'impression de danser en marchant. Boiteux, ce dernier lui raconte alors ce qui est arrivé à sa jambe, à Djibouti, le pays de son enfance. Ce drame qui a bouleversé son destin, faisant de lui un homme qui danse toujours, l'a rendu plus fort et lui a enseigné le prix d...

CHF 14.50

Why Do You Dance When You Walk

Waberi, Abdourahman A. / Ball, Nicole / Ball, David
Why Do You Dance When You Walk
. Waberi's writing is a tour-de-force, magical, precise and hypnotic, this book will cement his place as a talent to watch out for. Touches on underexplored topics in African literature such as disability. A poignant exploration of father-daughter relationships. Masterfully uses and exploits language, showcasing the author's poetic imagination

CHF 21.50

The Divine Song

Waberi, Abdourahman A. / Ball, David / Ball, Nicole
The Divine Song
Everything starts with a song and everything ends with another song, " says the narrator of The Divine Song. Paris is an old Sufi cat who keeps watch over his brilliant yet pathetic master, Sammy Kamau-Williams, the Enchanter. In Sammy, we recognize the African American singer-composer, poet, and novelist Gil Scott-Heron who is best known for his song "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised." ​The Divine Song takes us from the shores of Africa t...

CHF 26.90


Waberi, Abdourahman A. / Carlson, Nancy Naomi
The poems in this new volume by Abdourahman A. Waberi are introspective and inquisitive, reflecting a deep spiritual bond--with words, with the history of Islam and its great poets, with the landscapes those poets walked, among which Waberi grew up. The sage yearns here for the simplicity of each individual moment to somehow become eternal, for the histories and people that are part of him--his mother, his wife, his unborn child, the sacred te...

CHF 22.90

Passage of Tears

Waberi, Abdourahman A. / Ball, David / Ball, Nicole
Passage of Tears
Djibouti, a hot, impoverished little country on the Horn of Africa, is a place of great strategic importance, for off its coast lies a crucial passage for the world's oil. In this novel by Abdourahman A. Waberi, Djibril, a young Djiboutian voluntarily exiled in Montreal, returns to his native land to prepare a report for an American economic intelligence firm. Meanwhile, a shadowy, threatening figure imprisoned in an island cell seems to know ...

CHF 27.50

The Land without Shadows

Waberi, Abdourahman A. / Garane, Jeanne
The Land without Shadows
Written in a narrative prose, this is a translated collection of seventeen short stories about the precolonial and colonial past of Djibouti alongside those set in the postcolonial era. Here the art of the short story offers illuminated scenes of the Djiboutian urban and rural landscape, its people, and its history.

CHF 29.90

Pasaje de lágrimas

Waberi, Abdourahman A. / Medina Roca, Joan / Roca Riera, Rosa
Pasaje de lágrimas
Jibril abandonó Yibuti hace años. En Montreal se convirtió en un hombre nuevo. El país de su infancia ahora es para él tan sólo una tierra extraña. Contratado por una agencia de información, debe regresar durante unos días para llevar a cabo una misión. Francia, Estados Unidos, Dubái y los islamistas se disputan este trozo de basalto. A Jibril le tienen sin cuidado sus querellas, pero se siente traicionado por este país que nació, como él mism...

CHF 26.50


Waberi, Abdourahman A. / Ball, David / Ball, Nicole
Abdourahman A. Waberi is a novelist, essayist, poet, teacher, and short-story writer. Born in Djibouti, he now lives and writes in France. He is author of The Land without Shadows, In the United States of Africa, and Passage des larmes. Winner of the Stefan-Georg-Preis, the Grand prix litt¿ire d'Afrique noire, and the Prix biennal "Mandat pour la libert¿ he was chosen one of the "50 Writers of the Future" by the French literary magazine Lire.D...

CHF 22.90

In the United States of Africa

Waberi, Abdourahman A. / Ball, David / Ball, Nicole
In the United States of Africa
In a literary reversal as deadly serious as it is wickedly satiric, this novel by the acclaimed French-speaking African writer Abdourahman A. Waberi turns the fortunes of the world upside down. On this reimagined globe a stream of sorry humanity flows from the West, from the slums of America and the squalor of Europe, to escape poverty and desperation in the prosperous United States of Africa. It is in this world that an African doctor on a hu...

CHF 27.90

Harvest of Skulls

Waberi, Abdourahman A. / Thomas, Dominic
Harvest of Skulls
Abdourahman A. Waberi is¿a¿novelist, essayist, poet, and short-story writer. Born in Djibouti, he is Professor of French and Francophone literature at George Washington University. The¿author of Transit, ¿In the United States of Africa, Passage of Tears, and La Divine Chanson, he has been awarded¿the Stefan-Georg-Preis, the Grand¿Prix Litt¿ire d'Afrique noire, and the Prix biennal "Mandat pour la libert¿ He was named one of the "50 Writers of ...

CHF 21.90